Kathleen Maria Hausmann
Previous Works
Golden Tiles / 2016
The golden tiles present a large surface that initially appears uniform. Upon closer inspection, one realizes that no tile is the same as another. It is the sum of the parts that makes this surface something harmonious.
Golde Leaves / 2018
With the golden leaves/divine particles, I capture a moment in which everything falls into its rightful place, represented by the swirling leaves. At the same time, the image can also depict the gradual and orderly dissolution of something.
The circular arrangement of the leaves symbolizes a moment of balance and demonstrates that balance does not always have to be symmetrical or rigid. Even the irregular can be pleasing, where we can once again find the proportion of the golden ratio.
Fibonacci Sequence in lighter colores / 2020
These light, delicate variants of my works are also available as commissioned pieces in gold leaf. Implemented here with golden paint.